
March 17, 2020

Feedback: Feedback Gallery

One of the feedback resources I share with my students is a Feedback Gallery which contains actual student feedback which students recommended as being high quality feedback. You can see the Gallery here: Feedback Gallery. (That's a Google Doc, published as a webpage and then embedded in Canvas with the Redirect Tool.)

For some students, the most helpful way to learn about feedback is to see concrete examples like this, which I've grouped into some general categories:

1. Be curious and ask questions

The way I created this Gallery was to put up a Google Form at the end of one semester, asking the students to copy-and-paste into that form actual comments they received during the semester. I got a ton of great examples that way, and then I just grouped them into those general categories. I hadn't decided the categories in advance; they emerged pretty naturally from the comments that the students submitted. It was actually really easy because the categories fell into place pretty easily!