
June 27, 2014

Course Redesign Update: June 27 - overviews for Asia/Pacific units

I got caught up today on writing overviews, so the overviews for all the Asia/Pacific units are done, and I arranged them (the power of time/date stamp) so that the Asia label brings up all the units in a logical order on the same page: Asian Units.

I also wrote the mini-blurbs for the table and added the icons for the books with FREE Kindle versions; it's quite a few of them. You can see how that is shaping up here: Asia/Pacific Selections.

For the next round, I'll do write-ups on all the African units, and then I will have that two-week section of Asia and/or Africa all done!

Meanwhile, tomorrow I get to add new units, so I'll be adding the last Middle Eastern unit and moving on to India, the jumbo-module that will have 12 units instead of just 8. Very excited about all that!

Happy Friday!!!