Anyway, when I began this project, my one and only goal was just to replace the course website with new readings... but the granular, modular approach I took, facilitated by Blogger, is going to prove so useful for other kinds of content development — much more important content development, in fact: building learning experiences for students that go beyond just reading!
In honor of Caturday, I shared some cat stories at Google+ of course: The Cockerel, the Cat, and the Young Mouse; The Eagle, the Wild Sow, and the Cat; and The Earl of Cattenborough (Puss in Boots).
I am pleased at how many cats have turned up in the Un-Textbook! And I'm going to include here the LatinLOLCat of the day because it expresses perfectly why I think the wide range of choices in the Un-Textbook is exactly what my students need: different students like different things! Details at the Proverb blog:
Diversis diversa placent, et sua gaudia cuique.
Different people like different things,
and each person has their own pleasures.