And since some of this comes directly or indirectly from Connected Course events, I'm tagging it #ccourses. I've included some fun graphics too. :-)
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The last thing you need is an LMS "to monitor social learning.” (source)
Student writing should be made public whenever possible. (source)
Being ‘talked at’ is not an effective way to learn. (source)
It's really hard to overstate the damage being done from kindergarten to high school. (source)
Co-learning, by my definition, involves, above all, giving learners real agency. (source)
Co-learning is the act of creation, rather than regurgitation, of content. (source)
Creativity, collaboration, compassion should be the three main drivers for us in higher ed. (source)
This is the new world of affiliation — people connected not by role, not by location, but by passion. (source)
The only way to be comfortable in the online space as spending time being in the online space, that no one makes a home made pizza by staring at the oven. Gotta get the hands in the dough. (source)
Embedded in every technological solution is a moral/ethical stance, an image of the good life, and a narrative of the idealized self. (source)
We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love. ~ Robert Fulghum. And add to those words this wonderful graphic (source):