Today was exciting! I got my print book set-up all done for the Nasruddin book: whoo-hoo!

Something to share for Nigeria unit in class: Nigeria challenges Christie's over 'looted' treasures
This piece on Lassus Trombone and minstrelsy is fantastic: Time to bury Henry Fillmore’s “Lassus Trombone.”
From Sarah Bond: Politics of Headwear
From Shady Characters: Join the Dots
From Liniers in Spanish and in English:
And a video for writing creepypasta:
Every Tuesday, I post a new writing prompt for kids. This week, write a creepy story about the scariest place you've ever visited or seen.— Marty Chan (@Marty_Chan) June 23, 2020
Here's a tip on how to create the jump scare. #PromptMyStory
Something nice from Debbie R-O and her crayons!
Therapeutic evening doodle with a purple @Crayola.— Debbie Ridpath Ohi (@inkyelbows) June 28, 2020