
October 31, 2013

Hashtags for Projects: #foreignwordsinenglish

Like many people, I am not the best at remembering to hashtag my work online, but I do have a few hashtags that I have stuck with and which have provided very useful. The #LatinLOLcat is one I have been using for my Latin LOLCat project, for example, #GrammarCatz for my GrammarCatz. I use these hashtags when I post at Google+ about new items in these projects, and now that I am back on Twitter, of course I use the hashtags at Twitter too.

Just recently, I started using a new one: #foreignwordsinenglish - along with the related hashtags #sanskritwordsinenglish #arabicwordsinenglish and so on. I'm pretty excited about it - I'm going to be posting one every day at Google+ and then also at Twitter.

Just like with my other projects, the basic foundation for this new project is a blog, and the hashtag corresponds to the label I am using in the blog: Foreign Words in English. I still don't have a lot of discipline in using hashtags when I post at Google+ and Twitter, but using labels religiously at my blogs has been a big help in getting me more used to the idea of using hashtags when I post.

This little experiment is something I started as a result of reviving my Twitter account - hashtags reign supreme at Twitter, far more so than at Google+. Here's an embedded Google+ post with today's word - and you can follow the #foreignwordsinenglish tag at Twitter. Maybe others will start using #foreignwordsinenglish also (how cool that would be!)... but even if not, it works for me, and as I accumulate a big supply of these, the hashtag will let people read past ones in addition to the new one I post each day, and I can link to the Twitter hashtag stream so people can see that the project really is ongoing, with a new word every day!